On May 4, 2023, Governor Reynolds signed House File 718, establishing a homestead tax exemption for claimants 65 years of age or older.
In addition to the homestead tax credit, eligible claimants who own the home they live in and are 65 years of age or older on or before January 1 of the assessment year are now eligible for a homestead tax exemption. For the assessment year beginning on January 1, 2023, the exemption is for $3,250 of taxable value. For assessment years beginning on or after January 1, 2024, the exemption is for $6,500 of taxable value. An exemption is a reduction in the taxable value of the property rather than a direct reduction in the amount of property tax you pay.
The Iowa Department of Revenue has amended the Homestead Tax Credit and Exemption form to allow claimants to apply for the new exemption. Applications are due July 1 to your local assessor. If the exemption is granted, the exemption will be allowed for future years without future filing as long as the claimant continues to qualify.
Please stop into the Assessor’s Office at Kossuth County Courthouse, 114 W. State St. Algona to apply for this new exemption if you were 65 on or before January 1, 2024 and live in the house. The form is also available through Real Estate Search on your parcel. If any question, please call 515-295-3857 or by email at assessor@kossuthcounty.iowa.gov . The deadline to apply is July 1, 2024.
2024 Valuations have been updated.
Assessments are required to be the 100% fair market value of the property (unless otherwise provided by the Code of Iowa) in its condition as of January 1st. This is the amount established by the Assessor’s office before application of the state rollback factor. The 2024 assessed value will be the basis of your tax bill in 2025-2026.
NOTICE: If you are not satisfied that the foregoing assessment is correct, you may contact the Assessor on or after April 2, to and including April 25, of the year of the assessment to request an informal review of the assessment pursuant to section 441.30. If you are not satisfied that the foregoing assessment is correct, you may file a protest against such assessment with the BOARD OF REVIEW on or after April 2, to and including April 30 of the year of assessment. Such protest must be confined to the grounds specified in Section 441.37, Code of Iowa. Electronic filing of protests is authorized under Iowa Code 441.37(3).